What is Cymbolism?

Color is the ultimate tool a designer has at his or her disposal to communicate feeling and mood.

Cymbolism is a tool that attempts to quantify the association between colors and words, making it simple for designers to choose the best colors for the desired emotional effect.



adj 1: showing reason or sound judgment; "a sensible choice"; "a
sensible person" [syn: reasonable] [ant: unreasonable]
2: able to feel or perceive; "even amoeba are sensible
creatures"; "the more sensible p enveloping(a),
shrouding(a), concealing,& (concealing by enclosing or
wrapping as if in something that is not solid; "the
enveloping darkness"; "hills concealed by shrouding
mists") arts of the skin" [syn: sensitive] [ant: insensible]
3: acting with or showing thought and good sense; "a sensible
young man" [syn: thoughtful]
4: marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in
practical matters; "judicious use of one's money"; "a
sensible manager"; "a wise decision" [syn: judicious, wise]
5: readily perceived by the senses; "the sensible universe"; "a
sensible odor"
6: aware intuitively or intellectually of something sensed;
"made sensible of his mistakes"; "I am sensible that the
mention of such a circumstance may appear trifling"- Henry
Hallam; "sensible that a good deal more is still to be
done"- Edmund Burke
7: proceeding from good sense or judgment; "a sensible choice"
[syn: judicious]
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